Justin Merrell







Justin Merrell







About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I share the lessons and experiences from my unconventional journey. My name is Justin Merrell, and I've been on a quest for knowledge, self-discovery, and financial independence.


The internet can be a noisy place that fragments who we are. This website serves as a point of origin to bring together my story and insights.


From dropping out of college to founding a makerspace that raised a quarter of a million dollars in federal funding and earned me an invitation to the White House, I've learned that there's never a "perfect" time for anything. Taking the road less traveled may be lonely at times, but it has ultimately been rewarding and full of valuable lessons.


In recent years, I've embraced a minimalistic lifestyle, which has taught me the importance of simplicity and helped me find balance in my personal and professional life. I aim to inspire and guide individuals of all ages who are working tirelessly to pursue their dreams and to share my insights on navigating the complexities of life and business.


With a background in various projects and experiences, I've learned the importance of considering alternative perspectives and giving others the benefit of the doubt. My core values center around not following the masses, seeking happiness outside of the traditional path, and continuously learning and growing.


Through this website, I hope to organize my thoughts and experiences into a source of inspiration and guidance for others. Join me as I share the life lessons, adventures, and successes that have shaped who I am today.

Open-Source, Projects, Startups
Open-Source, Projects
Catalyst Space
March 6, 2024 Disrupt | Orchestrating Democratic Evolution Amidst the Global Technological Rhapsody

Explore the transformative dance between man and machine, as we stand at the precipice of a democratic evolution spurred by technology. Discover how techno-dreamers chart the future amidst this digital symphony and how ethical considerations guide us through this maze of progress. A reminder that amidst this global technological rhapsody, we are the orchestrators of our shared destiny. Click to read on, and join the ensemble of the democratic evolution.

February 28, 2024 Shift | The Dynamics of Pension Fund Investing and Startup Unearthing in the New Economic Landscape

As we navigate the ever-evolving economic landscape, the blurred boundaries between traditional Pension Fund Investing and emerging startups merit exploration. Unfathomable not long ago, pension funds are now courting the uncertainty of startups, a delicate dance between stability and risk driven by the ethos of modern entrepreneurship and the quest for revolutionary ideas. While this shift presents tantalizing opportunities, it also calls for caution. Dive into our deep dive to unravel the implications of this newfound symbiosis, and the transformative lessons it holds for both financial strategies and life at large.

February 21, 2024 Crossroads | Unmasking AI’s Role in Fueling Unconventional Entrepreneurial Journeys

Venture into the exciting intersection of AI and entrepreneurship, a crossroads where cold, impersonal technology dances with human creativity to fuel unconventional journeys. In this realm, AI isn’t just a tool, but a co-conspirator, transforming ideas into realities and turning failures into stepping stones. Discover how minimalism in AI can unlock complex perceptions, creating a new lexicon of innovation where disruption thrives. Get prepared to be amazed at AI’s role in not just creating revolutionary products, but reshaping human stories and destinies.

February 14, 2024 Intuition | Harnessing Data to Illuminate the Unseen Pathways of Personal and Entrepreneurial Evolution

Harness your intuitive power and the strength of data to navigate unseen personal and entrepreneurial pathways. With data as your compass, transform from a novice startup to a disruptive market player. Stride into the dance of intuition and data, and uncover your potential for growth and success. Join us as we explore how intuition and data-driven insights can fuel not only our professional journey but also our personal evolution.


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